Our commitment is to provide a sustainable forestry program that insures a profitable, renewable resource for many generations to come.  As a privately owned business our dedication to Michigan's woodland owners and responsible harvesting practices goes well beyond normal sawmill operations.

As our relationship to woodlot owners increase, the concept of eco-forestry, reforestation, wild life habitat, and proper control of soil erosion become a well balanced part of Michigan's only true sustainable forestry program.

Michigan Timber Conservation LLC is headquartered in Shelbyville, Michigan and is proud to serve all of this state's peninsulas. As a company committed to forest excellence, we have
found that while most forest landowners love their land, they do not have a comprehensive management plan in place. When any "management " is done at all; it consists of periodically having a timber harvest.

Our focus is on helping  private forest owners tap into a new revenue stream – the sale of carbon credits from their land, at the same time we are helping landowners improve their forest resources for future growth.

As a leading Michigan timber management company approved to create environmental assets from greenhouse gas reduction projects; we are establishing a reliable source of carbon credits through cost-effective, long-term Sustainable Forestry projects that reduce greenhouse gases. 

By creating economic value from environmental benefits, we are demonstrating our commitment to a balance between profitability and environmental stewardship  ̶  for us, our partners, and Michigan.

If you're interested in taking control of your forest, and receiving sustained income from your  professionally managed land, your next step is to apply for our Carbon Off Set Program. 
You can always send us an email from our home page.  From all of us at Michigan Timber Conservation LLC, thank you for your interests in properly maintaining your woodlot through Sustainable Forestry.

 Michigan Timber Conservation LLC

fully licensed and insured
PO Box 302 Shelbyville, MI 49344

Our contact number is    (877) 387-3379.